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Marketing Enquiries

We consider our partners to be members of the HEYAXA family and are dedicated to providing you with the information and advice you require to run a successful program.

Our partners are carefully chosen to ensure that your network will enjoy the brand and that the partnership will be a success.

We have an in-house content team that creates regular, high-quality creative that we will share with you on a regular basis to increase your advertising success. HEYAXA is rapidly expanding and always creating new goods, allowing you to promote fascinating things to your network.

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Retailers and Distributors

HEYAXA is a rapidly expanding company constantly looking for qualified distributors in various market segments.

Not only will our smart home solutions benefit your customers, but they'll benefit your business as well. With our competitive pricing and flexible ordering options, you'll be able to maximize profits and minimize overhead costs. Plus, as more and more consumers embrace smart home technology, you'll be able to tap into a growing market that shows no signs of slowing down.

HEYAXA puts the satisfaction of its partners in the first place. In order to increase turnover, we have established an online support system, a dedicated customer service and a team of sales agents who provide product training and advise on how best to present your products at your point of sale.

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Customer Support

We are here to help you fully immerse yourself into the world of smart home products. We believe your experience doesn’t end with a receipt and a box on your doorstep… that’s just how it begins. The most commonly asked questions about the HEYAXA can be found here. If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by completing this form or emailing our customer services team at

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Contact Us

Use the form below to contact us with any questions you might have about your HEYAXA or to place an order. Alternatively, you can also email us on the address below